
A middleware for serving files.

import os
from pump.util import codec
from pump.util import response

Wrap the app so that instead of handling requests normally, it first looks for a file in the root_path directory that corresponds to the request URL. If the file is not found, the request is handled normally.

def wrap_file(app, root_path, options={}):
  if not os.path.isdir(root_path):
    raise Exception("Directory does not exist: %s" % root_path)

  options = dict(options, **{"root": root_path, "index_files": True})
  def wrapped_app(req):
    if req["method"] != "get":
      return app(req)

    path = codec.url_decode(req["uri"])[1:]
    return response.file_response(path, options) or app(req)

  return wrapped_app