
A middleware that implements cookie-based sessions using Beaker.

import beaker.middleware
from pump.util import wsgi

Adds a "session" key to the request. Takes the following options:

  • store: One of "memory", "database", "file", "cookie", "dbm", "memcached", or "google". Defaults to "memory".
  • lock_dir: The path to the directory to be used as a lock file. See
  • data_dir: The path to the directory where files are stored. Used for file and dbm stores.
  • url: Used for database and memcached stores. In the former case, this should be a SQLAlchemy database string, e.g. "sqlite:///tmp/sessions.db". In the latter case, it should be a semicolon-separated list of memcached servers.
  • auto: If False, you will need to call request["session"].save() explicitly after modifying request["session"]. Defaults to True.
  • cookie: A dictionary with the following keys:

    • key: The name of the cookie. Defaults to "pump-session".
    • secret: A long, randomly-generated string used to ensure session integrity.

      • domain: The domain the cookie will be set on. Defaults to the current domain.
      • expires: The expiration date of the cookie. If True, expires when the browser closes. If False, never expires. If a datetime instance, expires at that specific date and time. If a timedelta instance, expires after the given time interval. Defaults to False.
      • secure: Whether the session cookie should be marked as secure (for SSL).
      • timeout: Seconds after the session was last accessed until it is invalidated. Defaults to never expiring.

This uses Beaker in the background, so you can read for more details.

def wrap_session(app, options={}):

Guess which language doesn't support recursively merging dictionaries?

  options = dict(dict({
    "store": "memory",
    "auto": True}, **options), cookies=dict({
      "expires": False,
      "key": "pump-session",
      "secure": False}, **options.get("cookies", {})))

  for middleware in [wrap_unbeaker, wrap_beaker(options)]:
    app = middleware(app)
  return app

A Pump middleware that wraps around Beaker's WSGI middleware.

def wrap_beaker(options):
  return wsgi.build_middleware(_beaker_wsgi_middleware, options)

Renames the beaker.session key in the request to "session".

def wrap_unbeaker(app):
  def wrapped(req):
    req["session"] = req.get("beaker.session")
    if req.has_key("beaker.session"):
      del req["beaker.session"]
    return app(req)
  return wrapped

The WSGI middleware provided by Beaker.

def _beaker_wsgi_middleware(app, options):
  return beaker.middleware.SessionMiddleware(app, _get_beaker_config(options))

Reformat options dictionary to match Beaker's configuration settings. See

def _get_beaker_config(options):
  return {
    "session.data_dir":       options.get("data_dir"),
    "session.lock_dir":       options.get("lock_dir"),
    "session.type":           _get_beaker_session_type(options.get("store")),
    "session.url":            options.get("url"),
    "":           options.get("auto"),
    "session.cookie_expires": options.get("cookies").get("expires"),
    "session.cookie_domain":  options.get("cookies").get("domain"),
    "session.key":            options.get("cookies").get("key"),
    "session.secret":         options.get("cookies").get("secret"),
    "":         options.get("cookies").get("secure"),
    "session.timeout":        options.get("cookies").get("timeout")}
def _get_beaker_session_type(store):
  return {
    "database":  "ext:database",
    "memcached": "ext:memcached",
    "google":    "ext:google"}.get(store, store)